Leadership Change Announcement

A letter to you from Executive Director Cathy Dombi

Dear Members and Friends,

For the past three years, it has been my pleasure and deep honor to have served as the executive director for the Conservancy. Right from the start, at the annual picnic, you all warmly welcomed me and you continued to lend your support every day since. I have missed our personal time together this spring.

Now, it’s time for me to make big changes in my life. I am moving back to Wyoming at the end July so that we can be closer to family—something we’ve been missing these past 10 years. I have so loved working with our amazing staff, board, committee members, and volunteers. It was a very difficult decision to resign now, however I firmly believe that SOLC is stronger than ever and our work will carry forward in the skilled hands of our staff. I’ll never truly leave SOLC. Our mission is part of my personal mission too. I look forward to being a member and supporter, helping in any way needed, and visiting the beautiful Rogue River region whenever I can.

Our Board of Directors recognizes the importance of continuity and they are moving with deliberate speed to recruit a new leader. During the transition, we are fortunate to have a robust staff team. To support their work, in the interval the board will provide temporary leadership. Keith Emerson, vice president and chair of our Lands Committee, and Kevin Talbert, president, will serve as Co-Directors for the interim. Both Kevin and Keith have substantial management experience, a long commitment to SOLC, and they will be supported by other board members as well.

Thank you for all you do to support SOLC and conservation. Remember we are NATURE STRONG—keep fighting for vigorous lands and fresh water and stay healthy! Together we can make Earth a kinder and cleaner place for all living creatures to enjoy and thrive.


With gratitude,


A message from Board President Kevin Talbert

Greetings Everyone,

We have been very fortunate for the past three years to have the outstanding leadership of Cathy as our executive director. It was with great reluctance that the board has accepted her resignation (effective July 12), even as we support and understand her move to have more time with family.

The board has named the search committee and the position vacancy is listed on our website. In keeping with the process that led us to selecting Cathy, a national search will continue through the summer as we screen applications, select semi-finalists, conduct interviews, and eventually bring finalists for in-person visits. If all goes well, we should be able to name a new executive director by later this fall. Should an outstanding candidate emerge early on, the search timeline could be compressed.

SOLC will continue to carry out our mission by stewarding our lands and easements, moving ahead on timely strategic initiatives, and responding to the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic. Our transition plan will be orderly. Our finances are sound and the organization will continue to flourish.

The pandemic is testing our ability to maintain our relationships with all of you who volunteer, participate in our events, and give of your resources as donors. Until we can once again come together for our hikes, work-parties, and special events, it’s more important than ever that we stay in touch—at a distance—through platforms such as Zoom, emails, phone calls, social media, and other virtual connections. We hope all of you will join us at our first virtual annual meeting on June 17. Watch for your invitation very soon.

Let’s keep in touch! Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me or other board members directly.


